tuli sähköpostia mikolta
so epic.
soita jos haluat tunnukset.
It`s so hard to read this shit that it hurts my beautifully pink brain!
Would you please change the colóur(kylöör) of the font to something that
matches my brain!
My teenage littelesister just had her first period and does not like jesus
because jay makes her suffer like that.
Satan lives in my underwear and it is shitty.
50 000 people in finland resigned off church an joined a bigger group that
we call church of skatan(skeitan).
See you in a dirty pile of dirty pornmagazines and i hope to catch up with
your mom and start over the stuff where we left off.
It takes a whole lot of efford to take it all in but it`s worth it to make
this world a better place for all the ebony bitches and asian pimps.
Remember not to slaugter all the cocks so the lesbians have something to
complain about.
Radikal Raja"
sain joniltaki sähköpostia
vikajärven kuulumisia myöhemmin
holy pyhä
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